ARCHI EQ Energy Quality Journal
ArchiEQ is designed for working as an independent device as well as for functioning within an ARCHI 9000 faults recording system in the area of time synchronization, frequency synchronization and the moments of sampling.
ArchiEQ Energy Quality Journal is intended to record and to monitor the power lines status. Additionally, every journal enables measurement and readout of monitored lines actual state during the last 100 ms. The data can be send to computer systems and displayed in a graphic or numeric form. The device is equipped with a local memory buffer with battery support, which makes it possible to remember the occured events. Recorded data readout can be done on request by means of a portable PC notebook or continuously, when ArchiEQ cooperates with a power station local computer – Xserver.
ArchiEQ Journal construction bases on the microprocessor technology, the device contains no movable elements. There is no need of current maintenance. The communication between ArchiEQ and the user is executed through the medium of SAZ 2000 program working under Windows operating system. The SAZ 2000 program enables to receive recorded events from journals, the events analysis, print-outs performing, cooperation with data base, containing journals parameters etc.
ArchiEQ Journal periodically measures (with 100 ms raster) the several values characteristic for power line momentary status. The values are:
- effective values of phase voltages R, S, T;
- effective values of phase currents R, S, T;
- THD values of phase voltages (R, S, T) harmonics;
- phase shifts between current and voltage of the same phases R, S, T;
- frequency measured on T phase voltage;
- three-phase voltage asymmetry.
The journal task is to compare the above mentioned values with set thresholds as well as event generation in case of event generation conditions rise. Thresholds settings and recorded events readout are performed by means of the SAZ 2000 program.